Install MediaWiki on your Windows XAMPP |

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Install MediaWiki on your Windows XAMPP

Install MediaWiki on your Windows  XAMPP, MediaWiki is developed by the the Wikipedia foundation. Its a free open source software. you can create edit and create web applications with it. It is developed under the PHP and MySQL environment. So your Apache can help you to work with it .


It supports XAMPP, WAMP, It is developed under Linux Os. But you can use it by using Apache web server  on your  Windows.

Now, lets begin the installation process.

  • First get a copy of the Mediawiki from the developer site. 
  • Just unzip it and keep a copy on your localhost. Before start proceeding the installation steps, we need to make our Apache to enable few features. Dont get panic,. All these are simple.
  • First open ” http://localhost/phpmyadmin/” on your localhost. and open “users tab. If your localhost user account is prohibited with password. no need to do the steps.
  • Under the users tab click “Add New User ” and add a username and host: localhost and password is your desired one.
  • Now Open your php.ini.  We need to change the maximum execution time. Because, Mediawiki needs more time in some situations. so make it from 30 to 600.  Open php.ini on your local text editor and find “max_execution_time” and change it to “max_execution_time= 600” instead of 30 make it as 600.
  • Save and restart your Apache . Than open copy the extracted MediaWiki files to your localhost   and open ” http://localhost/your-mediawiki-folder-name/” The installation begins automaticall.
  • Now, follow the instructions as directed on the installation page.

That’s it for installation of  MediaWiki on your localhost.



About Varadharaj V

The founder of Kvcodes, Varadharaj V is an ERP Analyst and a Web developer specializing in WordPress(WP), WP Theme development, WP Plugin development, Frontaccounting(FA), Sales, Purchases, Inventory, Ledgers, Payroll & HRM, CRM, FA Core Customization, PHP and Data Analyst. Database Management Advance Level

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