HRM Functions for frontaccounting |

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HRM Functions for frontaccounting

HRM Functions for frontaccounting. Now a days, Frontaccounting getting popular with many customizations, mainly, needs to deal with employee salary and leave management. I mean, many mid level companies seeking perfect site to maintain there ERP in simple. The People management is also a important factor here. So, here is a  list of features required to build HRM functions.

  • Attendance
  • Payroll
  • Employee information management


These are the main criteria required to manage the HRM module inside the frontaccounting. Lets take a glance on each one.

1. Employee Information : 

The more you need to cover is to handle the entire employee informations based on the company and employment needs, Say for example, if supposed to talk about a small Software solutions means,  you need to take care of the employee education and experience  informations  are very important. and if you are going to include the office sweepers and other peoples, you can’t provide the educational qualifications, likewise the employee informations varied based on the area and company.

2.Attendance :

Another important task is to handle the employee leave. So we can calculate the salary of an employee with the help of the attendance. This is also one of a  common task of the HRM Module.

3. Payroll :

The payroll and the salary of an employee with be calculated here with some functions and prepare the lists in it.

These three are the important things for a HRM module.

You can read more about the Featured HRM here.


About Varadharaj V

The founder of Kvcodes, Varadharaj V is an ERP Analyst and a Web developer specializing in WordPress(WP), WP Theme development, WP Plugin development, Frontaccounting(FA), Sales, Purchases, Inventory, Ledgers, Payroll & HRM, CRM, FA Core Customization, PHP and Data Analyst. Database Management Advance Level


  1. commenter

    how can i get HRM module?

  2. commenter


    it may better if you add function to find or edit employee by code like item inventory menu.

    Otherwise it is very difficult to maintenance for large garments industry. Knock me when it is done.


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