Frontaccounting Tutorial |

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Understanding Frontaccounting working system

Understanding Frontaccounting working system is simple to say and more to know and perceive. Frontaccounting very less functions to use and extend its operation. But you can play with its core directly. It deals with classes and functions. Lets come to the basic files important to initiate Frontaccounting. The main files are listed below.  Frontaccounting.php   Instled-extensions.php   Config.php   Config_db.php These are handling the ...

How to Use jQuery Datepicker in Frontaccounting

How to Use jQuery Datepicker in Frontaccounting
How to Use jQuery Datepicker in Frontaccounting. The  old datepicker is working fine for the default theme.  But when you customize the theme it wont work properly. Also its not looking  good. While making responsive theme for frontaccounting, it wont help you. So, you can use jQuery Date picker instead of the existing one. Lets start with some initial files. First you need to hide ...

How to add JavaScript in Frontaccounting

How to add JavaScript in Frontaccounting
How to add JavaScript in Frontaccounting is a custom thing for Developers to provide certain support with Additional Javascript files. Generally All the webpages include the javascript files either header or footer of the webpage. In frontaccounting it involves the js caching to work based on the companies. But for me i want to add my custom js to its theme files. So it can be ...

Frontaccounting Migration from Localhost to Live Server

Frontaccounting Migration from Localhost to Live Server
Frontaccounting Migration from Localhost to Live Server is become headache to some peoples. Here is a some guidelines and tips while moving from localhost to remote server.There is not much changes in it. Just Configuration file edit work. The Following steps will help you to migrate your Frontaccounting from localhost to remote server: 1. Just copy the localhost frontaccounting folder. For example Here is my ...

How to Create a new Company in Frontaccounting

How to Create a new Company in Frontaccounting
Introduction How to Create a new Company in Frontaccounting. A question arise when we are creating new company from the existing installation. Here is few Simple steps to create your own new company and install your company accounting standards from the repository.  If you have the super admin rights, you can create your own new company from the existing Frontaccounting installation. Just follow the steps. ...

Install Chart of Accounts Frontaccounting

Install Chart of Accounts Frontaccounting
Install Chart of Accounts Frontaccounting is one of a basic step to change your Accounts Format and make the things to work on your local Standard Format.  Here I  am going to give you the steps to install a COA for your  Frontaccounting. Lets start with a example of installing Australia’s  COA created by Pete. Just move to your Front accounting and open setup page, than ...

Settingup a New Currency in FrontAccounting

Settingup a New Currency in FrontAccounting
Settingup a New Currency in FrontAccounting. From the settings of Frontaccounting it can available some pre-defined currencies.  But not all currencies. If you want to add your local currency to frontacounting is easy and here is a doc to setup it. STEP S: Just login into Frontaccounting with System_administrator role.  Than from the navigation menu, select “Banking and General Ledger” .  under the  page, select ...

How to Create Modules for Frontaccounting

How to Create Modules for Frontaccounting
Every framework have some unique way of working mechanism and special way to create its extendable functions. Here I am going to create a module for Frontaccounting . Its simple and creative way, You need to understand several factors while coding your module.   Let’s come to the topic, We are going to write a module for dashboard. I am not going to show you ...

FrontAccounting Theme – Kv Varadha

FrontAccounting Theme – Kv Varadha
Hi ,  This is one of my Frontaccounting work, I just designed a FrontAccounting (FA) theme. If you want to use it, just download it and upload it on your Frontaccounting  Root.  Before uploading the new theme, just copy your access folder for future use, because I just override some codes into it, it will affect, while you chaning the theme to some other.  Than ...

Create New Menu Item in Frontaccounting

Create New Menu Item in Frontaccounting
Whenever we use a built-in framework, it does not meet our complete requirements. So we need to customize it based on our needs. Here i just give a simple way of creating a new menu item on Frontaccounting. The Following steps help you to create a new menu item. Goto frontaccounting main directory(Root Directory). Open you frontaccounting.php . It is giving access to every class. So ...

