Visual Tab |

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How to Create Tabs in WordPress Settings Pages

How to Create Tabs in WordPress Settings Pages
Creating WordPress Tabs can be in different ways. We can create it with jQuery, and existing WordPress features, Bootstrap tabs. I already wrote an article to create tabs using Bootstrap. You can read it here. If you are interested to watch create tabs using WordPress features. Read the rest of the article to Create Tabs in WordPress Settings Pages. I hope you read my previous ...

Remove Visual Tab from your WordPress Post editor

Remove Visual Tab from your WordPress Post editor
Remove Visual Tab from your WordPress Post editor is necessary some projects. So here I gave some code to disable Visual Tab from the WordPress Post editor. I mean WordPress TinyMCE Editor. Just add the following line of codes into your  Theme functions.php or just paste it on your Plugins Main file. if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 620; add_filter( 'admin_footer', 'kv_remove_visual_tab', ...

