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Zip the folder with Sub folders using PHP

Zip the folder with Sub folders using PHP
Zip the folder with Sub folders using PHP. You can zip a whole folder using the this article. But if you want to zip the folder with sub folders, Use this article and create zip with whole folder and sub folders. Lets start with  Zip creation. zipFile('path/to/the/zip/folder','', true); And now, we need to use a function for recursive call so create a function here. function ...

How to zip a whole folder using PHP

How to zip a whole folder using PHP
How to zip a whole folder using PHP . Here we are going to zip the files using php Ziparchive class . Lets get into the topic. While started creating zip, we need to increase the maximum execution time to 5 mintues or something which is convenient to you. <?php ini_set("max_execution_time", 300); ?>  This will set to 5 minutes and 300 seconds.  and now create ...

