E-Mail Message required Error Solution – Opencart |

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E-Mail Message required Error Solution – Opencart

Hi , those who come across the problem during your sending mail from your admin section. Here i have some suggestions and tried methods to solve your issue. It may help you to solve the problem.



The first foremost aspect is getting form data’s using jQuery is one of the problem, because, in default, jquery gets value of a html textarea. But Here we are using CKDeditor. So just do the following step to get value from CKEditor.  open the following file


around line no: 244, or 245 . or better find the following code from the contact.tpl


and replace with or just add before the line with the following one.


This will make you to send email from your admin mail.  If  still problem persist  to send  emails, do one more steps to solve the issue.

open the following file


goto line nor: 770 or just find this line

$query = $this->db->query("SELECT DISTINCT email FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` o LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "order_product op ON (o.order_id = op.order_id) WHERE (" . implode(" OR ", $implode) . ") AND o.order_status_id <> '0' LIMIT " . $start . "," . $end);

and replace with

$query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT email) AS total FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` o LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "order_product op ON (o.order_id = op.order_id) WHERE (" . implode(" OR ", $implode) . ") AND o.order_status_id <> '0'");
Remember, your customer must be ordered to receive email from you. so it may be a problem for you.

If you have still any problem. comment below,

 For Opencart 2.0  please read here.  




About Varadharaj V

The founder of Kvcodes, Varadharaj V is an ERP Analyst and a Web developer specializing in WordPress(WP), WP Theme development, WP Plugin development, Frontaccounting(FA), Sales, Purchases, Inventory, Ledgers, Payroll & HRM, CRM, FA Core Customization, PHP and Data Analyst. Database Management Advance Level


  1. commenter

    Excellent stuff Bro, keep up the good work. I really enjoyed reading your posts. Well done!

  2. commenter
    Raimundo Almeida

    Perfect solution!


  3. commenter

    Version 2.0 for opencart still show same problem.
    the coding was not same.
    unable to fix it .
    please help

  4. commenter

    Facing the same issue with opencart 2. Please help.

  5. commenter

    for version 2.0 add the following to file admin/view/template/marketing/contact.tpl on line 198


    function send(url) {

    function send(url) {
    $(‘#content textarea’).val($(‘div.note-editable’).html());

    This will update the original textarea from the note editor

  6. commenter

    I have an opencart 2.0.1 installed, but the mail and notifications are not working. do you have a solution to fix this?

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