Frontaccounting Operational Explanations |

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Frontaccounting Operational Explanations

Frontaccounting Operational Explanation  is the purpose and basic operations behind common modules. In frontaccounting , you can see certain files which are highly valuable to perform operations on live.  Let’s move to discuss certain features and functions in Frontaccounting. Frontaccounting talks more in Finance and supporting more on  functional areas like sales and purchase. So it covers main aspects of your business functions. Here we have certain list of JavaScript files and .Inc files to work Frontaccounting on live.  Let’s see each one,


First Java Script files: 

JsHttpRequest – This files helps you to perform the Ajax operations on live. When you select an option from the Drop down select, it will send a request to get all the relevant informations based on the item you selected on the drop down box. Also helps to perform the Live edit and delete as well.

insert.js  and util.js –   This files helps to fetch the informations for the AJAX Calls.

datepicker.js  –  This files helps you to create  Datepicker Iframe to allow people to select dates. Very simple files but carries most important operations.

INC files, 

Most of the inc files dealt with Core call operations and UI operations. Generally frontaccounting uses tables and Divisions for better visual aids, Because it must look like in single view.  And INC files again classified into two category based on its usage.

UI –  These files mostly create the UI elements such as table rows columns, buttons and form components. Generally it cares the functions which helps to create ui components.

DB – Here the most of the operations are directly connected with Databases . So we need separate database operational functions to perform database operations.

The major functional files are placed inside the ” includes ”  directory. Here the core operations  such as

  • error
  • Sessions
  • date functions
  • system preferences
  • Ajax 
  • User Access levels
  • Extension hooks
  • Language
  • theme hooks

These are the most common functions used widely in the Frontaccounting. Another Major function is Reporting. Here we can prepare the reports either Excel or PDF to get a external copy, so it will be useful for some other places.  The reporting folder have the most necessary files, which is also hooked with each main modules like, sales, purchase and all.

Reporting functions are,

  • fonts
  • pdf classes, 
  • excel classes
  • doc preparations,

These are the most common functions are discussed and listed above,



About Varadharaj V

The founder of Kvcodes, Varadharaj V is an ERP Analyst and a Web developer specializing in WordPress(WP), WP Theme development, WP Plugin development, Frontaccounting(FA), Sales, Purchases, Inventory, Ledgers, Payroll & HRM, CRM, FA Core Customization, PHP and Data Analyst. Database Management Advance Level

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