FrontAccounting Import and Exports (Items, Suppliers, Customers, Adjustment, Bank Statement, BOMand COA)


This is a very good module to import other system data to Frontaccounting as well as export the FrontAccounting data from here to other system by simply exporting to CSV file. Sofar it works with Suppliers, Customers, Items, Item Adjustments, BOM, and COA. Let's state with items and Adjustment
We are not importing the items and adjustments in one import. Items are separate import and Adjustments are in separate import. Lets start with Items


Here we have given some sample as well as system details to view. You can also export your existing data to check it as sample. Probably you need to map the csv file properly and import it into the system. 
There are some conditions to follow,
  • Keep the first two same as of our sample and exported results format too. 
  • Keep the columns as of ours, dont interchange them.
  • keep the date formats as of our system suggested.
  • Don't add your custom columns here. we are not importing the customized fields and columns 
  • From items import, don't try to input the stock adjustment, we only import the items, and we have separate one for adjustment import. 
Stock ID Description Category Units Flag Sales Type Currency Price Tax Type Sales Cogs Inventory Adjustment Wip

Inventory Adjustment

It's simply the quantity adjustment, mostly the POS users, the adjustment import helps to bring the date, location, we have batch and expiry date. this functionality will work if you have the batch and expiry date system of ours. otherwise these two fields are not used anywhere in FA. and the header row(first row) should keep it as like ours.
date location stock_id Batch Expiry Date qty standard_cost memo

Don't change these headers. 

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