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WordPress get_users Role Array

WordPress get_users Role Array
WordPress get_users Role Array. Yes, we may have a situation to get the users of two roles.  But in default WordPress function does not support array of roles to get its users. The default function supports to provide a string , ( a role in text). it wont allow us to pass an array of data’s. So lets do it in custom way.  Here i ...

WordPress Clone User Role to create New Role

WordPress Clone User Role to create New Role
Today, lets  talk about WordPress User  roles and capabilities.  when we come to play with User roles. we need to copy some use capability to other user Role. Here i am going to give you a simple code to copy the author as teacher.  Just one example makes you to understand how it’s working. add_action('init', 'cloningauthor'); function cloningauthor() { global $wp_roles; // Delcaring roles and ...

