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Bootstrap Toggle Inside jQuery DataTable

Bootstrap Toggle Inside jQuery DataTable
Introduction Creating custom Bootstrap Toggle Inside jQuery DataTable is not much complicated. You have to trigger the Toggle after rendering the DataTable. Let me show you with some sample codes. Bootstrap toggles usually helpful to apply the changes like status. But in the interactive websites you need to provide an option to change status in real-time like with toggle or switch. Bootstrap Toggle: We will start ...

How to Create Bootstrap Tabs(Horizontal, Vertical ) in WordPress Admin

How to Create Bootstrap Tabs(Horizontal, Vertical ) in WordPress Admin
Bootstrap vertical tabs tabs example[/caption] WordPress has its own built in tab settings. But for your custom work needs custom tabs rather than WordPress built in features. Here I am going to show you how to create  Bootstrap Tabs in WordPress admin. Let me creating a Admin Menu  and page  in a sample plugin for demo purpose. <?php /* Plugin Name: Bootstrap Tab by Kv ...

Customizing Admin Theme OpenCart

Customizing Admin Theme OpenCart
Opencart is one among the popular eCommerce framework. It looks great and working under the concept of MVC. Opencart admin theme is pretty old one and Personally I dislike it. So i just customized it with my own taste. Opencarts one of the best customization is VQmod. You dont need to touch the Core files you can add your custom functions without affecting the core ...

