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How to add Recaptcha 3 on my PHP website

How to add Recaptcha 3 on my PHP website
Just follow the steps to get it implemented on you website. <script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=site_key"></script> Replace “site_key” with your Site Key. grecaptcha.ready(function() { grecaptcha.execute('site_key', {action: 'submit'}).then(function(token) { // Add code to submit the form with the token }); }); Replace “site_key” with your Site Key. $response = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response']; $url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify'; $data = array( 'secret' => 'secret_key', 'response' => $response ); $options = array( 'http' => array ...

How to Add Custom TTF Font to TCPDF

How to Add Custom TTF Font to TCPDF
TCPDF is one of a popular library, which helps to get the PDF designed from the php code. This is helps to prepare mainly the invoices, receipts, etc. But most of the time, you might need to have custom font to make it look good with it. Here are some steps to make the Custom TTF font to work in TCPDF. Here is an example ...

Solved: Dropzone is already attached

Solved: Dropzone is already attached
Dropzone autoDiscover false not working and Dropzone already attached error comes when you are working with dropzone. You need to understand the fact of already your dropzone is hooked. We need to destory it before load the new one. Let’s make use of the below code to destroy the already created Dropzones and create a fresh one again. Before that lets write a function to ...

WordPress Enable Custom Error log

WordPress Enable Custom Error log
It’s good sometimes to record the possible errors from our theme or plugin, instead of showing them in the browser. We can log it into a separate file and check it. Let’s get started to implement it. First open your wp-config_db.php And find this define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); And replace it with below code define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );@ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); ...

WordPress Add_option, Get_option, delete_option and Update_option

WordPress Add_option, Get_option, delete_option and Update_option
For every theme development and plugin development, we will have to store some configurations like the options and its values in our wordpress options table. WordPress already given us enough functions to perform this in easy way. Which will not requires to write more code on this. To add a new option we can call the add_option. And Retrieve the values, we can use the ...

How to Remove Title bar in Android Studio

How to Remove Title bar in Android Studio
Introduction This is my first article about Android studio. So far I was very comfortable with Web developments. Here this is my first experience to learn and do work for clients. Lets hope the learning better together. Alright, lets talk about the way to hide the titlebar or navigation menu, or the Header from the Android app. Steps Simple steps Just goto your project and ...

PayPal API Get Account Balance

Introduction Lets get the PayPal API Get Account Balance of your PayPal wallet. This feature may good for the users those who wants to know their balance from their website or web applications. Let’s make the API Functionality to get the balance from your PayPal. First you need to login to your PayPal and get API Keys. So just login your PayPal and open PayPal ...

wp_insert_post Custom Post Type

wp_insert_post Custom Post Type
Introduction wp_insert_post custom post type is simple to insert a custom post type.  This article continues from my previous article regarding wp_insert_post. If you didn’t check it take a look at here wp_insert_post Example. Also, I added a comment line there for the custom post types. Let’s take a look the example program for better understanding. Custom Post Type If you created a custom post ...

Wp_insert_post Example

Wp_insert_post Example
Introduction wp_insert_post example and wp_insert_post in WordPress and wp_insert_post custom post type. wp_insert_post featured image example. Many articles and many examples already there in many blogs and forums. Here I am going to explain nothing but how to use it effectively the wp_insert_post to add new post with your program. Syntax The below function helps to insert or update post with your post through programmatically. Already ...

get_post_meta Example

get_post_meta Example
Introduction This articles helps you to get some basic example and ideas about get_post_meta Example. You might have look into WordPress codec Page. So, there is no need to tell you once again to read about it. Let’s start with its syntax and example with places you can use and how it changes depending on place and situation. Syntax There is nothing differ from its ...

