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jQuery Color Scheme Changer

jQuery Color Scheme Changer
Introduction jQuery Color Scheme Changer is a small piece of code helps you to change the color schemes on click. This is so simple to apply it on real-time HTML sites. 1. Create multiple css files by color style/colors/default.css style/colors/green.css style/colors/red.css style/colors/pink.css 2.A link to css with an id like color-switcher  and it will help us to apply color scheme stylesheet changes. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/colors/default.css" ...

jQuery Simple Sticky Header on Scroll

jQuery Simple Sticky Header on Scroll
Introduction Nowadays, many jQuery plugins came out with many features. But when requiring all for your website.It will increase page load time and makes your site slow. I Recommend you to go with simple and custom Codes for better functionality and SEO purpose. jQuery Simple Sticky Header on Scroll is a simple tutorial to explain that you can make a simple sticky on your html ...

Bootstrap Toggle Inside jQuery DataTable

Bootstrap Toggle Inside jQuery DataTable
Introduction Creating custom Bootstrap Toggle Inside jQuery DataTable is not much complicated. You have to trigger the Toggle after rendering the DataTable. Let me show you with some sample codes. Bootstrap toggles usually helpful to apply the changes like status. But in the interactive websites you need to provide an option to change status in real-time like with toggle or switch. Bootstrap Toggle: We will start ...

Simple Popup Div Using jQuery

Simple Popup Div Using jQuery
Simple jQuery Popup Div, which is very easy to create and show it. Let me say few things about the popup, It can be viewed in IE8 As well Also Mobile Responsive Lite Weight Easy to Integrate in any Website Simple Code and Easy Steps Download Available Let’s move to the implementation area. After Closing html tag, you will open <body> tag, Just after that body tag, ...

Simple Smooth Scrolling jQuery, HTML, CSS

Simple Smooth Scrolling jQuery, HTML, CSS
Simple Smooth Scrolling jQuery, HTML, CSS. A small code snippet helps you to  create a scroll to top button on your page. Which helps users to reach top very smoothly and easy animation. Lite weight code in it. Let’s create a floating bottom icon for scroll to top with help of HTML and CSS. Here is your code to create HTML component  just insert it ...

How to Keep Footer at Bottom of Screen CSS HTML(Sitcky Footer)

How to Keep Footer at Bottom of Screen CSS HTML(Sitcky Footer)
Introduction Keep Footer at Bottom of Screen CSS HTML. This is also called as Sticky Footer. You can do it with help of following code.  Usually, we can try with  position and its height based. But this is simple and short to do. Sometimes a small code can solve bigger issues, like that way this code helps you to create footer, which always stays at ...

Make Two div’s Same height Using jQuery and CSS

Make Two div’s Same height Using jQuery and CSS
Make Two div’s Same height Using jQuery and CSS. Some cases we may need to create two divisions with different its content. but it may not be equal with its height due its list of elements. We can set the size as maximum one’s height for the both divisions.  Let’s begin with CSS than more to jQuery. CSS: create two divs like the following one. ...

How to include FontAwesome Icons on FrontAccounting

How to include FontAwesome Icons on FrontAccounting
How to include FontAwesome Icons on FrontAccounting. Here i am going to explain you how to use fontawesome icons into your frontaccouting.  Just follow the steps, it will help you to do it.  Just open your Frontaccounting Root directory, than keep read this tutorial. Steps: 1. CDN Inclusion: Now, we need to begin the first step, just open your header.inc file which is under the ...

How to align two divs horizontally in HTML by using CSS

How to align two divs horizontally in HTML by using CSS. Several situations we need to set more than one div or any HTML components . So here I have some explanations to make ot horizontally with the help of css. Let’s start writing codes,  whenever we start making we need to add a wrapper or  container to put all the things inside it.  So ...

How to use Google Webfonts in Frontaccounting

How to use Google Webfonts in Frontaccounting
How to use Google Webfonts in Frontaccounting. The question comes when we start using Google webfonts with Frontaccounting. Here is a simple tutorial for you to add Google Webfonts with Your  Frontaccounting project. Just follow the simple steps to use your own custom font with frontaccounting. First select your custom font from Google Webfonts directory. And get its import code as like the following one. ...

