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Change reCAPTCHA v2 to v3

Change reCAPTCHA v2 to v3
Converting from Google reCAPTCHA v2 to v3 involves several steps, both on the Google reCAPTCHA side and within your PHP website. Here’s a detailed guide on how to handle the conversion, including the necessary code changes and procedures. Overview of reCAPTCHA v2 and v3 Steps for Conversion 1. Register Your Site for reCAPTCHA v3 2. Implement reCAPTCHA v3 in Your PHP Website Frontend: Adding reCAPTCHA ...

ImageMagick security policy ‘PDF’ blocking conversion

You are here, because you stuck with this above stated issue, while processing PDF to image. This is a simple bug lets do it by simple steps. Steps for Ubuntu/Linux open your /etc/ImageMagick-7/policy.xml , here may be the number, 5,6,7, 8, it depends with php version that you have. goto bottom of this xml file and before the </policymap> add this line <policy domain="coder" rights="read | ...

Check if a url is already open in JavaScript

Check if a url is already open in JavaScript
Introduction From the string side functions, we have to do many string manipulation programs. Some cases we need to identify whether the string contains another string or now.  PHP String Contains Specific Word is also called as strpos. This function helps to find the string in another string. or a charater in a string or a sentence. Strpos is a quite easy program to compare ...

How to change SQL_MODE in MySQL Permanently

How to change SQL_MODE in MySQL Permanently
Introduction This is very simple article to set the mysql mode permanently inside your Mysql Server 5.7 or above versions. I tried some articles and finally found this to helpfull for someone who came with same issue. Usually some queries needs to change the sql mode permanently, Otherwise you need to write  set mode everytime. I got stressed to set sql_mode on every query. So ...

Get_magic_quotes_gpc is Deprecated

Introduction The PHP version 7.4 is completely deprecated the get_magic_quotes_gpc() function. Earlier the magic_quotes_gpc from version 5.4 and we got alternative with get_magic_quotes_gpc(). And now it was completely deprecated and go without these functions. So those who faced bug or error with these functions. Solution It returns TRUE or FALSE. So most of them we used this function inside a if condition. like the below ...

Crontab Example Every day

Crontab Example Every day
Introduction Crontab Example Every day is simpler one to run an functionality everyday on a certain time. Like a backup program. we run at every night like 2am. Lets write a sample cron command and PHP program to understand it. Crontab command 0 2 * * * /usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null https://localhost/backup.php Lets say the backup.php will run everyday night 2AM. If you add this cron ...

Select2 Ajax Example PHP

Introduction The select2 js is widely used to shortlist and filter the select options. When it goes more than 100 in select option. Its hard to navigate and find the right one.  For that we can go with select2 js  or selectpicker. That’s also handy when the list is less than 1000. Because if you load all the list in DOM. That will slow down ...

PHP Upload File Size Limit

PHP Upload File Size Limit
Introduction There are few different ways for PHP Upload File Size Limit setup. And its depending on server and control panel it differs. Lets see one by one. I will discuss here my known possible ways. And if you have any other possible solution. Just write a comment with its detail on next page. I Prefer to start with Ubuntu Apache Localhost or direct VPS or ...

Sentora File Manager

Sentora File Manager
Introduction Sentora is a very decent Cpanel and which is enhanced from Zpanel. Let’s install a good file manager to Sentora to perform more operations like add, edit, remove files within it. Sentora File Manager, Let’s install the EL File Manager to Sentora, Which is good and rich features when compare with Monsta File Manager. Anyhow lets install both one by one. EL File Manager The ...

Bahrain Indemnity Calculation

Bahrain Indemnity Calculation
Introduction Many confusions and complications while working with a Bahrain based HRM. From my experience and formula I used in my functions, I am sharing here to help others. The leaving Indemnity also called as End of Service Benefit(ESB). So Bahrain Indemnity Calculation is part of the employee payment service, which worked out when an employee resigned or terminated his job by employer. From different ...

