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How to hide/show table row Using jQuery

How to hide/show table row Using jQuery
With the help of jQuery, we  need to hide some rows in a table. In that case, you need can use either jQuery or CSS to hide a row. Here jQuery is more useful, when you are playing with dynamic sites. Let’s get into the topic.  Here i have a table like the following one. <table width="100%" class="kv_cart_items_head"> <thead> <tr> <td>Item Code</td> <td>Item Description</td> </tr> ...

Sortable Data Table WordPress Front&Back-end

Sortable Data Table WordPress Front&Back-end
Here, a Simple to create your own WordPress Sortable tables, I am going to use jQuery DataTable and integrate it with WordPress front & Back End.  Let us integrate  datatable with WordPress Admin section. Just download the jQuery DataTables plugin from here. Just download and Extract the Plugin files.  Copy jquery.datatable.js, and jquery.datatable.css files from downloaded zip file to the WordPress plugins directory.  Now , we ...

Creating Table while Installing module in OpenCart

Creating Table while Installing module in OpenCart
While developing a custom module to your opencart theme you need to have a separate table to manage your custom data’s and module information’s. So getting a custom table is necessary at the moment. Here i will give you a simple way of creating table while installing your module. Here i create an example table for coming soon section. 1). Create your custom module files like ...

