Install Laravel by using Laravel.phar file
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As per request of a comment on my old post, I wrote this tut to explain you how to install laravel by using laravel.phar file. Before getting into the topic, we need some preliminary things to start installing laravel framework on your machine. All you need to downloads the ” laravel.PHAR” file from the laravel site.
Than you have to ensure that your php machine is enabled the cURL function to start installing it. Just open you php installation directory and open ” PHP.ini ” file and fine the following line
if it have semi-colon(;) before the line just remove that semi-colon and save it, than restart your Apache to take effect. after that , use php_info() function to check whether cURL is enabled or not. If its working, Than we are set ready to install laravel on your machine.
First copy the laravel.phar file, to where you want to install laravel on your machine. Here i just copied the file to “F:\xampp5.5\htdocs\laravel” And I am using Windows, no worry if you are a Linux user, just copy the laravel.phar file to usr/local/bin/ or your desired foler, where you want to install laravel.
Than, if you installed composer, its added advantage to install it. Else no problem, i will help you to install it.
if you dont have composer on your machine, just do the following steps,
open your command prompt , than make your command prompt to point your laravel project folder, where you copied the laravel.phar file. if you are stuck with moving the laravel proejct directory, here i showed you a screenshot to make your command prompt ready to work go.
Now, just begin the installation by entering the following command,
php laravel.phar new varadha
laravel.phar -is the file which you downloaded from the laravel site and moved to our project directory. Many of the article saying to rename the laravel.phar to laravel. That is not big difference, you can use it either choice, . and new – stands to install command varadha – is my name, I just gave it to create anew laravel on my own name , you can use nay name here to create your laravel application
Now you can see a folder on your project directory, like the following screenshot.
Thank you varadha 🙂
You are welcome.
Thanks, Varadha
I managed this many times until seeing your this post 😀
this is more easy and straight forward versus some of the tutorials out there!