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Installing Laravel 5 On Windows Xampp

Installing Laravel 5 On Windows Xampp
On my earlier Article I have described well about installing laravel 4.1 on xampp. The Same thing , we can use it for the laravel 5 and above versions. Let’s  move to see it as simple to install. You can check there for detailed installation of laravel. Install Composer on your windows , Than you can move to xampp htdocs directory,  Than right click on your ...

Install Laravel by using Laravel.phar file

As per request of a comment on my old post, I wrote this tut to explain you how to install laravel by using laravel.phar file. Before getting into the topic, we need some preliminary things to start installing laravel framework on your machine. All you need to downloads the ” laravel.PHAR” file from the laravel site. Than you have to ensure that your php machine ...

Installing Laravel on Windows Xampp

Installing Laravel on Windows Xampp
Installing Laravel is easy and few steps to follow and creating your own app is so easy too. Here I just give you very easy way to install laravel on your windows machine with Xampp (MySQL, PHP , Apache) Environment.  First make sure that you have installed Xampp on your localhost. Than install composer to initiate setup. You can get windows composer from here. Than ...

