How to check if a string contains specific words in PHP
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How to check if a string contains specific words in PHP. In PHP, while working with Strings and file read operations, we have to check whether a word exist or not. And sometimes you need to do one more step to get the word count. In certain situations, you need to find multiple words.
I have some codes, for your reference, to understand and create your own code. Let’s start with example code.
<?php $kvcodes = 'This is a sample text, to test the string manupluations, especially, the strpos, and the preg_match, and the regrex functions' ; if (strpos($kvcodes,'string') !== false) { echo 'Yes, the string found in the above sentence'; } else { echo ' No, the string doesnot exist in the sentence' ; }
The above code, helps you to find the ‘string’ in the $kvcodes. and if it found, it prints the words, is found. Else it wont work. This is one of a simplest way to find the word appearance, But this will be limited, you can test one string at a time. I mean, you can find only one string matching positions at a time.
If you want to test more than one string matching’s go with preg_match. Which will helps you to check more than one matching at a time. Here is the example code,
if(preg_match('[the|string]', $kvcodes) === true) { echo " the word found in it" ; }
Another way is, str_count , this will get the total string occurrence counts, Here is an example code.
// Another method .... $str_counts =substr_count($kvcodes, 'the'); if ($str_counts > 0) { echo "The word exist and its occurrence count is". $str_counts ; }
That’s it, you can try either methods, to get proper results, based on the place and necessity. Comment below for your queries and doubts.