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How to include FontAwesome Icons on FrontAccounting

How to include FontAwesome Icons on FrontAccounting
How to include FontAwesome Icons on FrontAccounting. Here i am going to explain you how to use fontawesome icons into your frontaccouting.  Just follow the steps, it will help you to do it.  Just open your Frontaccounting Root directory, than keep read this tutorial. Steps: 1. CDN Inclusion: Now, we need to begin the first step, just open your file which is under the ...

How to Add Font Awesome Icons to WordPress Menus

How to Add Font Awesome Icons to WordPress Menus
How to Add Font Awesome Icons to WordPress Menus is one of a consistent way to show your custom icons on your Custom WordPress Plugin or Theme. First of all we need to know the important files which are necessary to work with fonts. The following line of code can help you to include all the fontawesome files, Especially fonts and css files, wp_enqueue_style("kv_fontawesome", ''); ...

