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How to Update or Uninstall Skype in Ubuntu

How to Update or Uninstall Skype in Ubuntu
Introduction Update Skype in Ubuntu is not much hard to do. Sometimes it might be trouble to update  due to error or left the old files in it. Let’s try my easy tutorial to uninstall and update new version. Remove And Uninstall Skype Open your terminal and type the following command to clean the existing Skype with below command. sudo apt-get remove skype sudo apt-get purge ...

Install and Update Sublime Text 3 Ubuntu Using Terminal

Install and Update Sublime Text 3 Ubuntu Using Terminal
Update Sublime Text 3 Ubuntu Using Terminal. Upgrading Sublime is a simple Task as you think. Just goto the sublime text official website and download new version from the download page.  We are Ubuntu users, You can check 64bit or 32bit packages based on your system. Here mine is 64bit and I would download 64bit .deb file. You can upgrade it two way, you need ...

Upgrading your php version on Ubuntu, Elementary OS

Upgrading your php version on Ubuntu, Elementary OS. Some of new frameworks required php recent versions to use it. Sometimes you need to  upgrade your php version to get new supporting features and also away from security issues.  Let’s see how to upgrade your php from Ubuntu, Elementary OS. Just check your existing php version by using phpinfo(). once you identify your version,you can goto next ...

