WordPress Add_meta_box to Custom Post Type
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From WordPress Admin Post edit page, we may need to input some custom form inputs as like price and size metrics for woocommerce Plugin. WordPress Add_meta_box to Custom Post Type. For many custom fields we need to add extra fields to a post or a page. So, here I am giving a sample code to add a meta-box with custom fields and save it .
And also you can have the edit option with it. First of all we have to add a meta box to a post or page. You can add it to a custom post type too. Here is very simple and lite weight solution to make it happen.
function kv_textbox_metaboxes( ) { global $wp_meta_boxes; add_meta_box('postfunctiondiv', __('Sample TextBox'), 'kv_textbox_metaboxes_html', 'kv_textbox', 'normal', 'high'); } add_action( 'add_meta_boxes_post_type', 'kv_textbox_metaboxes' ); // Yuo have to replace "post_type" with your custom post type
The above code will create a custom metabox on your custom post type. Now we need to add the form component to work on it. The following code helps you to add a input type text .
function kv_textbox_metaboxes_html(){ global $post; $custom = get_post_custom($post->ID); $kv_textbox = isset($custom["kv_textbox"][0])?$custom["kv_textbox"][0]:''; ?> <label>Example TextBox:</label><input name="kv_textbox" value="<?php echo $kv_textbox; ?>"> <?php }
Than, now we need to save and get the option . This function is common for Add new and edit.
function kv_textbox_save_post(){ if(empty($_POST)) return; global $post; update_post_meta($post->ID, "kv_textbox", $_POST["kv_textbox"]); } add_action( 'save_post_post_type', 'kv_textbox_save_post' );
Thats it. now , you can see a sample meta box on your custom post type’s Add new page.