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Frontaccounting Operational Explanations

Frontaccounting Operational Explanations
Frontaccounting Operational Explanation  is the purpose and basic operations behind common modules. In frontaccounting , you can see certain files which are highly valuable to perform operations on live.  Let’s move to discuss certain features and functions in Frontaccounting. Frontaccounting talks more in Finance and supporting more on  functional areas like sales and purchase. So it covers main aspects of your business functions. Here we ...

Frontaccounting working With User accounts and Access permission roles

Frontaccounting working With User accounts and Access permission roles
Frontaccounting working With User accounts and Access permission roles. Here is an operational examples to create Custom user accounts and custom access role permissions. Lets start with custom user account creations. Just signin into your Frontaccounting and select Setup from the main menu and followed by the User accounts. Here you can see the list of users in your frontaccounting. Here you can create new ...

How to Add Bar-code Scanning Instead of Item Code in Frontaccounting

How to Add Bar-code Scanning Instead of Item Code in Frontaccounting
How to Add Bar-code Scanning Instead of Item Code in Frontaccounting?.  While upgrading frontaccounting with your Company items, this is one of the best way to scan the item codes from the bar code. Which is more convenient and bug-free thing too. just do the following steps to enable  Barcode scanner instead of the item codes entry box.   All your items management will be ...

Frontaccounting SimpleAPI Module guide

Frontaccounting SimpleAPI Module guide
Frontaccounting SimpleAPI Module guide is one of a good way to integrate your products lists from your Frontaccounting to Your eCommerce Store. Here is an simple Helping tutorial to install SimpleAPI on your FA and which will be accessed from remote.  Let’s start integration. First get a copy of SimplAPI module from the Author “Andrés Amaya Díaz “. Here is the link to get the ...

Payroll Creation in Frontaccounting

Payroll Creation in Frontaccounting
Payroll Creation in Frontaccounting is necessary module, when you come to manage your salary and wages into your final P/L Account and Balance Sheet. So Here I am just putting the introduction of the Payroll process. Which will help you to create your own Payroll Process into frontaccounting. Finally, my HRM and Payroll is ready to use. You can get more details about different versions ...

Frontaccounting Theme Development

Frontaccounting Theme Development
Frontaccounting Theme Development is much easier for you, if you know the facts of theme development. Here I will give you simple tutorial to develop your own custom theme for your frontaccouting. Lets start with Default theme and files. The default theme consist of Following files list : images Directory index.php default.css renderer.php This is the basic files you have to know while developing new the ...

CRM Functions in Frontaccounting

CRM Functions in Frontaccounting
CRM Functions in Frontaccounting is in default  Frontaccouting Dealt with some basic Aspects of CRM. You can extended it briefly, Else go with Go with Some other Frameworks like  VTiger and all. But  my choice is to create one inside the Frontaccounting. Because, transfering informations from one database to another, or the shared database would cause lose of data. So better extend the basic functions ...

How to Create Form Components in Frontaccounting

How to Create Form Components in Frontaccounting
How to Create Form Components in Frontaccounting is the question comes, when you started creating modules for Frontaccounting. Here I am going to discuss with some of the form components and how to create it inside Frontaccounting. Lets begin with a sample file. Here is an empty file for HRM employee profile <?php /********************************************************************** AuthoR : Kvvaradha Module : HRM Developed to 1Stop ***********************************************************************/ ...

How to use Default Datepicker for your Custom module in Frontaccounting

How to use Default Datepicker for your Custom module in Frontaccounting
How to use Default Datepicker for your Custom module in Frontaccounting. This is one of a simple tutorial to help you to use the default date picker for your custom module development and extension creation. Let’s start with some basic aspect. Frontaccounting itself, it doesnot allow other popular JS and PHP fraemworks for operations.But they coded for some functions. So just inherit to use our ...

How to Create Tabbed content in Frontaccounting

How to Create Tabbed content in Frontaccounting
How to Create Tabbed content in Frontaccounting. Create tabbed content page on your frontaccounting custom module with a function “tabbed_content_start“. Here I just give you an example of the content page. The Following code will help you to create a tabbed content page. tabbed_content_start('tabs', array( 'personal' => array(_('Personal Info'), $selected_id), 'job' => array(_('Job'), $selected_id), 'education' => array(_('Education'), $selected_id), 'training' => array(_('Training'), $selected_id), )); switch (get_post('_tabs_sel')) ...

