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Multiple File Upload in PHP With Database

Multiple File Upload in PHP With Database
Uploading Multiple Files Together in one time is a bit advanced than single file upload. My Previous Article File Upload in PHP With Database, Describes you to handle single file upload. Here I am going to use that article and create Multiple File Upload in PHP with Database. The Previous one, you can’t select multiple files with the form, the  form doesn’t allow you to select multiple ...

File Upload in PHP With Database

File Upload in PHP With Database
File Upload in PHP With Database. This is really necessary feature for every website. Most of us build a site with images and other downloadable files. And we need to collect images and files from users for further reference.  Let’s create a html form to handle file upload option from your website. 1. Introduction PHP helps to handle the file uploads and keep it in ...

How to Change Upload Folder URL for Every Uploads in WordPress

You are here to know about changing uploads url dynamically for your every uploads. Before getting into the topic, just look at here for front end multiple file upload, once you know the things, than it will easier for you to change uploads path for every uploads, Click here to read the basic information . Ok, Now you got some basic idea regarding multiple file uploads, Than ...

Rename wp-content Folder and Uploads – WordPress

Rename wp-content Folder and Uploads – WordPress
1.Rename “wp-content” Directory : Renaming of wp-content directory helps to hide your WordPress information from the hacker. You can rename your wp-content directory with your desired name. Here i will rename it as “public_files”. By the following code will change the name of wp-content. First of all open your  wp-config.php from your WordPress root directory and find the following line. require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php'); And paste the ...

